___________Novato High____________ __________English 10___________
School Course
___________Mrs. Korff__________ __________kkorff@nusd.org________
Teacher Contact Information
This packet will introduce you to my expectations, policies and
Course Goals
The curriculum is based on the California State Standards
for 9th and 10th Grade Language Arts. For access to the full text of the standards,
go to www.nusd.org.
Course Objectives
will develop their skills in reading, thinking, writing, listening, and
speaking through in-depth study of world literature in a variety of genres and
through researching informational materials. The course of study complements
the student’s study of world history in the tenth grade.
will be writing a variety of essays and reports to build on each student's
writing skills. In addition to numerous
short assignments, each student will write several expository essays, a
persuasive essay, a research report, and business letters. Your writing will be kept in the classroom
for the year so that you can refer back to previous assignments and my feedback
to work on improving your writing.
will be reading a variety of texts and genres this year. We will read short
stories, poems, nonfiction, and several novels.
Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
Samurai’s Garden by Gail Tsyukiama
Odyssey by Homer
There will be two large projects.
The first will be to research, write and deliver their "Sophomore Speech." Second, students will be working on a poetry project throughout the year with the final project turned in at the end of the year.
Oral and
Group Projects:
listening and cooperating are also important language arts skills which will be
used and developed this year. Specific
assignments will accompany each of the units.
Progress Reporting
shall be reported at the end of each progress reporting period for all
students. Progress reports will be
mailed home and/or accessible to parents online approximately every five/six
weeks. Whenever a student falls below a
C- after the second Progress Report for either semester, the teacher shall
arrange a conference with the student’s parent/guardian and/or send a written
report. (Board Policy 5121)
Grades will also be available
online through Aeries. I make every
effort to keep this accurate and updated frequently.
Classroom Policies
Grading / Assessments
You will be graded on class work, homework, writing
assignments, tests and projects.
It is best to reach me through email. My email address is kkorff@nusd.org or mrs.korff@gmail.com.
You can also check the class blog at mrskorff.blogspot.com to see a calendar of
assignments and other important links.
Behavior /
Academic Expectations:
In this class you will be expected to read, write, think,
speak, listen and work together.
Behavioral Expectations:
In this class you will be expected to demonstrate the
following qualities:
Respect, Responsibility and Energy
• Being respectful includes being polite to
your fellow students, following my directions, using appropriate language, and
taking good care of school property such as our books and desks.
• Being responsible includes being to class on time,
getting right to work when asked, having your materials and supplies with you,
turning all class work and homework in on time, and coming to class ready to
Having energy includes putting effort into your work, doing all assignments
completely and on time, never cheating, and coming to class ready to learn.
General expectations:
ü No cell phones or other electronic devices in
class. If I see or hear an electronic
device, I will take possession of it and turn it into the office.
ü Class is dismissed by me, not the bell. Do not pack up until given permission as the
rustling of bags and papers disrupts learning.
ü Personal business should be taken care of in between
classes, not during. Please do not use
personal items (brushes, makeup, perfume) during class. Use the restroom during break.
ü No eating or drinking in class. Water bottles are acceptable.
ü Seating is assigned and will change about once a
ü Every assignment you turn in should have your full
name and period in the top right hand corner.
If you choose to not meet the
expectations, the following consequences may occur:
· Verbal warning
· Sent outside to
· Lunch detention
· Call home
· After school
· Referral
Late Work:
All work should be turned in on time. If a problem arises, I will accept late work
up to three days after the assignment was due.
There will be a penalty in points for being late as follows:
First day late: 20% reduction in points possible
Second day late: 30% reduction in points possible
Third day late: 40% reduction in points possible
Any work due on the day you were absent is due the day
you return. For assignments missed while
absent, you have five days to make
up the work without penalty. After the
five days, you may not make up the work.
If you missed a test or quiz, you can make this up during lunch or after
school. The best policy is not to miss
class. Please remember, you are responsible
for getting your makeup work and coming for make up tests.
Cheating and Plagiarism:
You are expected to do your own work. This includes not cheating on tests and
quizzes, not copying assignments, and not plagiarizing (using other peoples
work as if it was your own) your assignments.
If I find you have cheated or plagiarized you will receive a zero and
your parents/guardian will be called. If
you allow someone to copy your work, you will also receive a zero and your
parents/guardian may be called.
Needing Help?
Please feel free to come see me during break, lunch or
after school if you have any questions or are struggling with something. I can also be reached by email if you have
any questions.
This class will at times require that you use a computer
for typing or the internet. A computer
is available to you during lunch and after class in my classroom as well as
other classrooms. Computers can be reserved
at the Novato Library. Any assignment
that requires a computer I will give you at least two days to complete. Please ALWAYS save your work.
You will be expected to do some work after
class. This may include reading,
finishing assignments, editing and typing essays, studying for tests, and
completing independent reading and reports.
When a take home, typed essay is assigned,
it is a mandatory assignment. This means
that if you do not turn in your essay you will be given a detention to stay
after school to work on the essay with me.
Classroom Tardies / Consequences
You are expected to come to class on time. Students who are late multiple times will receive detention and may be sent to peer court.
Supplemental Materials
Please come to class each day with paper, writing implement
and your book. You do not need a
separate binder for this class, but you will need some binder space to keep
your handouts and work from this class.
The media shown in this classroom will be
academically based and follow board policies.